Bar Basics
Apr 13, 2021
Making our bars last
We want our bars to last as long as possible when they get to your home. They're uber-concentrated after all, so they should last forever! But to make sure you get the absolute best out of them we have a few tips & tricks for you.
Mar 16, 2021
Use every last bit
Once you've been using them for a bit our bars will get thin, and the nature of the non-palm ingredients we use means they can be a bit brittle and crack. But don't fear! If your bars are in bits there's a solution - you can melt them at home using just a microwave and get a new bar in no time.
Feb 17, 2021
Why Rowdy Kind Bars are Worth It
Our bars are plastic free, with amazing ingredients, and contain the same active ingredients as 2x250ml bottles. And that's not all!
Feb 8, 2021
Mountains of Bubbles!
We know every kid loves LOADS of bubbles. Our Bubble Brick is pretty amazing, creating heaps of bubbles using only 1/5th of a brick. But if you want truly mountainous volumes, here are some tricks to make them drip down the sides of the bath!
Nov 25, 2020
We get a lot of questions about how to get the best from our bars. Sure, they're made to stand up to the toughest tub-time tussles, but there's still a good way to use them to make sure they last as long as possible. Don't worry though, it's not rocket science and they will take a bit (a lot) of abuse. After all, they're made for kids!
Jun 12, 2020
Skin is skin... right? That's what we used to think too. However, while developing Rowdy Kind, we heard from over 50%...